topics by HarmlessRose

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Know Your Rights: Laws and Autism

If you or your child has autism, some of the most basic things you can study and learn are your rights. Every American citizen is protected under the constitution, and there are special laws that have been passed to help protect people with autism and other disabilities. By knowing the laws that protect you or your ... questions. Remember that ignorance of the law is not a valid excuse for anyone, so be an advocate for yourself or others with autism to prevent mistreatment.

posted in Autism
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What Can Raise Your Blood Pressure?

Are you concerned about what might increase your blood pressure? There are quite a few things that can factor in to raising your blood pressure. Luckily you can fix many of these with a few lifestyle changes. If you do not watch your blood pressure frequently, you might not even be aware that you have it. It can ... time in a healthy state. Talk with your doctor about any questions or concerns you may have concerning your blood pressure. It is never too late to take control.

posted in Blood Pressure
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5 Tips For More Swimming Pool Fun

Swimming is a wonderful exercise that can benefit anyone. If you're not fortunate enough to have your own pool, you can use your local public swimming pool, or even swim in the sea if you're reasonably close to the coast. Whatever way you do it, try to get wet often; it's good for you and lots of fun too! 1. ... specially designed radio that fits into a waterproof bag. So don't just lounge around the pool all day. Use it as it is intended to be used - swim and enjoy life!

posted in Sports & Games

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