topics by VirtualAssassin

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How To Turn A "I'm Too Tired" Into A “Come And Get Me Big Boy”

When you hear your lady say she's too tired to make love, you need to understand that more often than not what she's really saying is: * I have given all I've got to everyone else and I have nothing else to give. * I need time for me. * I want someone to hold me. * I want someone to talk to me. * I want ... wife on? What needs to happen so that you get a different response besides I'm too tired from her? When you come up with the answers, then your job is to implement!

posted in Men
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What Should You Know About Massage Therapy

What should you know about massage therapy? Well apart from it being able to help relieve sore muscles, a few others things like what are the different types, what are the risks, if there are any side effects and whether or not it should substitute conventional medicine. For starters, there are more than 10 types being used ... some research which isn't bad even if you just go for a session to relieve some stress or pain and not have to visit because of a medical condition.

posted in Massage Therapy
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Dandruff - What Causes Dandruff?

Dandruff is one of the most common scalp problems. But it is surprising that no precise cause off dandruff is known. There is therefore no cure for dandruff, but you can treat it whenever it shows. There are many factors that trigger dandruff and some speculation about the possible causes. Let us talk about ... tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

posted in Hair

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