Recent topics tagged men

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Men's Guide To Prostate Problems

The prostate is an important segment of the male reproductive system. It is a land that is located in the lower abdominal cavity, just below the bladder, in front of the rectum and behind the pubic bone. It partially surrounds the urethra. The urethra is the channel that carries urine to the penis from the bladder ... 1 in 6 men will experience prostate cancer. However, if the condition is diagnosed early, approximately 99% of them will survive. The key is early detection.

posted in Men by HairyFoal
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What Women Say About Penis Size?

So, does penis size matter for women? Yes, penis size does matter, but not in the way that you may think. After asking several hundred women over 18 years old, sizes, ethnicities, and sexual habits, 82% of these women answered that were happy with a penis that was big enough to satisfy them, which averaged at about 6 ... two options: - there are other ways in which to satisfy your woman, so explore your options; - you can also try some methods to enlarge your penis...

posted in Men by HuggingDuck
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Men and Depression

Men and women suffer depression almost equally. Men, however, are taught that any need for help shows weakness. They are, however, at greater risk for depression-related illnesses and suicide because they hide what is going on from everyone, often even denying it to themselves. Most men hide their depression by trying to cover their ... that you enjoy) *Give yourself a break to do something you enjoy *Find a way to relax at the end of a busy day *Try to eat properly.

posted in Mental Health by Wallaby
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Want More Of The S-Word?

Have you ever heard men complaining about women shopping? Those are the men who don't get very much "you-know-what" (the S-word). After I share this little technique with you, you will want your lady to go shopping all the time... No matter who you are, you have "needs". Men have their needs and women have their needs. We ... her needs in other words - it won't be just a little while and she will be pulling down her ... and spreading her ... Go send your wife shopping :-)

posted in Men by TrustyKitty
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