topics by MammothMoth

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The Terrible Teens - Dealing with Autistic Teenagers

For most parents, one of the most trying times in their lives is during their child's teenage years. When puberty hits, young adults go through serious changes in their bodies and minds, and parents have little or no control over many situations. In an autistic child, puberty is no different. Although your ... practice patience and understanding with your teen, and be careful to regulate his or her autism so that the transition from child to adult will go more smoothly.

posted in Autism
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Why Do We Develop High Blood Pressure?

You might wonder why you and everyone else develop high blood pressure. While you might develop it you can easily lower or control it. The best way to prevent developing it is to keep a close eye on it from the beginning. Older adults may be more prone to developing high blood pressure but if you start at a ... your blood pressure will help lower your risk of a stroke or heart and kidney disease. Talk with your doctor about any concerns or ask any questions you might have.

posted in Blood Pressure
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Skin Problem- Spider Veins And How To Get Rid Of Them

What Are Spider Veins? Spider veins are a very small thread like veins. They are generally blue or red in color. These veins are found more on legs and face. These veins are a big cosmetic problem as they disfigure the look of the skin. Let us find out how they form and how to get rid of ... Please follow any tip given in this article only after consulting your doctor. The author is not liable for any outcome or damage resulting from information obtained from this article.

posted in Health Issues

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