topics by Mosquiche

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Water And Exercise

The human body is made up of over 75% of water, and as we all know, we cannot live without water. The fact is, we can only survive for a total of 3 days without water. Water has however, been replaced in most diets by soft drinks and other sugar sweetened refreshments. Keep in mind that water is a ... at all times and drink it throughout the day. You should also teach yourself to drink water instead of other beverages that don't replenish the nutrients your body needs.

posted in Exercise
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Write A Love Letter ON Your Body

Have you seen the movie "What the Bleep"? There is a great scene in that movie where the body-hating star breaks through to loving her body. She starts to draw hearts and love messages all over herself and relaxes into appreciation instead of loathing. We're taught a lot of things to do to our bodies. Work it ... LOVE YOU for LOVING IT. You will naturally live at your own perfect weight without effort or strain. Treat yourself well and love your body into the peak of health.

posted in Weight Loss
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Meditation Music: What Kind of Music You Should Play When Meditating

One of the deadliest diseases and considered to be the number killer disease in the United States is heart disease. In fact, recent survey has found that heart diseases kills more people than car accidents in the United States alone. As you can see, you have every right to be concerned about your health ... and meditate, choose a relaxing, quiet environment, play your music and start meditating. You will see that it will increase your chances of relaxing through meditation.

posted in Yoga & Meditation

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