topics by ShowDolphin

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Healthy Fat Intake

This information is aimed at helping you to reduce your fat intake. The average individual eats too much fat, a factor that's linked to a variety of health problems, including cancer. Diets that are high in fat are associated with breast and colon cancer, with some studies linking high fat to prostate cancer as well. A ... 't very active should aim for a lower fat intake. This way, you can control your fat intake and avoid the many problems that fat is associated with.

posted in Diet & Nutrition
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Avoiding Anti-Aging Scams

Despite what you may think, the unsightly signs of aging don't play favorites. With every coming day your skin sheds more and more signs of aging. The older you become, the more your skin looses its radiance and firmness, and thus nears its approach towards fine lines and wrinkles. These are the horrible signs of ... scouring the internet for any product reviews which you can get your hands on. Also, be sure to ask friends any family for any recommendations they may have.

posted in Health Tips
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A Few Simple Tips To Lose Weight

Weight loss is a tough result to obtain regardless of weight or level of physical fitness. There are many different ways to lose weight, some more unhealthy than others, but the ones that work are most times the most complicated to pull off. Some people may recommend eating less to lose weight, and in some ... smaller, more easily attainable goals for yourself. These will keep you self motivated and more likely to obtaining your overall goal of a happier and healthier life.

posted in Weight Loss

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