topics by GroundHurricane

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Cooking with Oils

Everyone knows the foods to eat that improve health, although how we cook the food can be just as important. With there being so many oils and butter products claiming to be the best, it can be quite difficult to know which ones to use and which ones to avoid. 1. Canola oil Canola oil is a ... what is mentioned here, although the ones above are the most popular. Eating healthy involves cooking healthy food - which is where your cooking oil really takes center stage.

posted in Diet & Nutrition
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Secrets of Teaching Yoga

What you are about to read applies to teaching, in general. In fact, we are all teachers, to some degree. You teach your friends, co-workers, strangers and family members on a daily basis. The example you set teaches someone in some way. Whether you are a positive role model, or not, people, and the world, react ... and watch them become self motivators. A truly great teacher will produce teachers, who surpass him or her; and isn't passing the torch what it's all about?

posted in Yoga & Meditation
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Easy Meditation Techniques

Meditation may be a challenge for most people to do as a habit. But it is not as difficult as some may think. There are several easy meditation techniques that anyone can follow toward attaining a deeper sense of relaxation. Meditation is an effective weapon against banishing stress brought about by the rigors of life. You ... . It is not such a long time to spend on something that can provide you with a lot of benefits especially when it comes to battling everyday stress.

posted in Yoga & Meditation

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