topics by AfternoonFay

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Treadmills are an essential part of any gym

Treadmills are an essential part of any gym, as they simulate two of the best kinds of exercise there are: walking and running. While you could just as well go for a walk or run outside, a treadmill allows you to do it in a comfortable, controlled environment, where you can exactly set the speed you want and ... treadmill is not a good simulation of a real track or field. Treadmills can make good exercise machines, but as training for running they leave much to be desired.

posted in Exercise
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Things to consider before going to a massage therapy clinic

Massage therapy is one way for people in the metro to de-stress. And with the fast-paced environment, de-stressing is one of the must-dos of people in corporate America. This is the reason why in recent years, the number of massage therapy clinics in the metro tripled in number. The demand is growing like crazy as people ... , opt for the softer or milder ones. If you had sore muscles from your previous visit, then it is safe to say that you need something milder than that.

posted in Massage Therapy
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Weight Lifting is a Multi Purpose Exercise

Weight lifting in addition to developing muscle mass actually assists the human body in burning fat. For every pound of muscle you have, you will burn 35-50 calories a day. This is why you may notice that those who lift weights regularly seem to eat more, their bodies are constantly burning fat and they need to replenish ... body and help your body passively burn calories. If you haven't considered this as part of your daily fitness regimen, then perhaps it is time you do.

posted in Exercise

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